Dignified Moral Intentions
God made Sunday a holy day of rest,
to kids it's playing baseball all noon
in the nearest field, unless it's very hot;
some don't care about going to church,
honor the Lord and carry the torch:
faith isn't strong: God's house is in ruin!
Twitter & Tic Toc have swayed their attention,
spiritual things mean little, they love having fun;
Daniel is ridiculed for reading the Holy Bible:
when he reads the psalms aloud, they tremble!
He was that obedient boy so respectful and faithful,
the unkept rascals looked at him with raging envy;
they always got in trouble, some went to county jail:
no parent visited them, he did and showed empathy!
That kid who robbed people and hid in an abandoned hut
confessed to his heinous crimes, the judge was complacent,
" Do not do this anymore, walk with God and pray a lot.";
he stood up saying " Even bad kids can learn what it right! "
Just when we thought that no rascal would turn to merciful God
and be sorry for all the bad things caused to himself and others:
redemption to set things straight starts with dignified moral intentions;
kids follow his example and change the disobedience you showed!