Diller Gent's and Valour
They are two freinds of a common cause. The company had documents alot of documents for everything. If you were sick with the flu you signed the flu document, or if you had stomped your toe you sign toe stomped document. When I wished to marry I signed "intent to Marry Document; under the file 13 ACT. Secretary put it under file 6 as unimportant.............A noticible clunk. I get call from my boss telling me match was resheduled. Boss tell me: partner needs timeoff same time I do. I laughed: I say this jerk is mmocking me! In the name of rightousness I must validate my woman. He cause glip in screen I must be a man and say: In the name of rightousness I must humble the satan of Yesterday! Make anceint our partnership: for the sake of my woman!" Boss say, I understand! I understand! I take my 2 cents elsewhere, since directing me into
fight has made me mad! I tell refferee Three no more than three: all it takes to make him champion! Your bassoon reedmember the tune, practice, practice, practice it aint gonna help. One,two three: I'm still Champion!
The Luxury of Love
The quest of Lovers
Where are men
Right here baby
Right here!