Love Poem: Dismembered
Juliet Ligon Avatar
Written by: Juliet Ligon


I had a love, but it flew like a bird
out of the cage but never heard.

I had a voice that spoke with tenderness,
rendered softly, but now I digress.       

I had a charm that melted like butter.
Now it's forming artery clutter.

I had ballooned lungs that clung to your air,
but your absence left a pulmonary tear.

I had wide eyes indulged with your beauty,
but they can't relay what a heart can see.    

I had a heart like a tender, ripe plum,
but it's been chewed like shoe-stuck gum.

I had honey dance in my playful mouth.
Now it's tasted onion, hard to brush out.

I had a belly that held butterflies.
Now they've come out like powdered lies.

I had tickled ears filled with your melody.
They pranced like deer... into a tree.

I had pennies wasted on vain wishes.
Now they're poisoning the fishes. 
I had a nose filled with rose's scent,
but it blew with the breeze, a memory spent.

I had smooth arms secure in your care.
Now they're free, yet lonely, bare.

I had soft hands, interlocked with yours.
Now they hold open their own doors.

I had silken legs you loved to caress.
I keep them neatly under my dress.

I had eyebrows raised with arousal.
Now they're abased, full of sorrow.

I had a smile like a child's for cake.
I still wear one, but it's a fake.

I had instincts, but I let them go
like a rambling tongue for ego's show.    

I had a notion that this would end,
but remained devoted like an owing friend.

I had regrets of yesterday's crime, 
but they've been bleached like toilet grime.

I had cavernous wounds, dripping with blood,
with prints that followed like galoshes of mud.

I had a self, differently sorted,
once vibrantly alive, now aborted.