Love Poem: Dissing Green Resonance
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Dissing Green Resonance

Why does this resonance of love,
lovely resonance,
feel so complexly complicated
to achieve?

complicit in felt imperfection

While red hot hate
burns resiliently,
remains pure
and uncomplicated,

Vengeance is Mine!
bright as red anger
smoldering in cold
black coal fear
of perfect disregard,
anxious judgment,
shaming blame
unequivocal unilateral conviction

I was right
to never truly love
in that unredeemed 
leftist win/win compassionate
Not Right RedBlooded win/lose
competitively traumatic 
punishing way

Of anthrosupremacist survivalist sway,
HuMan MonoCulture Yang, LeftBrain dominant
dissonantly against 
EarthMother PolyCulture Yintegrity,
RightBrain prominent EarthTribal
interdependent living systems 
unraveling out in partisan bipolar directions

CoArising dipolar dynamic
four seasonal erections
green ecopolitical healthy wealth 
win/win organic
Breathing in polypathic Taoist reverse insurrections
of bicameral body/mind 
co-governing buried projections
for feeding
and watering public/private health
root chakra
eco/theo-logically polytheistic
living sacred double-binary
emergent information

Joy/Integrity body health
is green mindwealth safety systemic,
neuro-network win/win optimization,
and eco/theologically cooperative
co-investments in mind-body
EarthTribe inclusive 
co-empathic healthcare

Which may be why
does this resonance of love,
lovely resonance,
sound so complexly complicated
to co-intelligently achieve?

And feels impossible
not to fully co-invest
despite considering
all the LeftBrain dominant facts
of Earth's eventual mortality.