Love Poem: Distance
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Written by: Vee Stef


In the distance lies 
My love so true
A perfect girl
That my heart pursued
Her eyes, my harbor
A safe embrace
A world of warmth
A boundless space 

Though miles apart our hearts entwine
Her love like a star
That refuses to not shine
Through skies of blue 
And nights of gray,
Her presence glows
Though far away 

With each day's dawn
I yearn and pine
To touch her hand and trace her lines
Yet in the whispers of the breeze
Her gentle voice brings 
Sweet release 

Her laughter dances in my dreams,
A symphony of joy, it seems?
Though oceans stretch 
And mountains stand,
Our love persists
Hand in hand. 

In my dreams we meet 
Beneath moon's glow
And love's embrace begins to grow
Distance a challenge, yet we find
In each other, thoughts so kind.
So, until the day we embrace
I'll hold her close
In thoughts each night
For in her eyes
My soul finds grace
My perfect girl
My distant place.