Disturbing Signs of Decadence
Anywhere we look there are signs if decadence:
from teens rebellion to perversion and violence;
didn't God clearly state, " Honor your parents? "
Have His words gone unheeded as many proverbs?
Unruly children, don't be easily stirred to anger,
take time to listen and you may learn to bear:
it's not that cool talk on a dangerous street corner...
there, evil grows and gives hearts great power.
I grew up in a God-fearing home, where prayers were a must,
and kindness a required gesture to implement trust;
no tantrums were allowed when foul rage burst...
all you heard was, " Bow your head and pray to the Holy Ghost! "
Dare to ask me, if I am extremely glad to have listened and obeyed;
try to embarrass me with derisive remarks, or make me feel bad!