Love Poem: Diversity Or Perversion
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Diversity Or Perversion

We often hear many talking
 about "diversity."
Seldom does anyone 
acknowledge... "perversity."

What's "right or wrong," has led
 to much confusion.
As our nation idulges in so much perversion.

Many don't know which direction
 they're being led.
As many have rejected what
 God has already said.

His divine and holy principles
 are being "torn apart."
We are witnessing a "division of the heart."

Our only hope and answer
 in all of this mess.
Is a way of living that is "God-blessed."

His blessings in our life is
 what we need to enjoy.
His word in our way of living...
 We should daily employ.

Without a Godly direction...  
Our nation is "off course."
God is our only refuge and defense... 
Against this "evil force."

Now's the time to return to Christ 
and engage in prayer!
His hands will keep you in his 
tender mercy and care.

Though the whole earth crumbles... 
and it's governments shaken.
Jesus remains our bedrock...
 and our only solid foundation!  

By Jim Pemberton