Love Poem: Divinely Human Race of Time
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Divinely Human Race of Time

I was a child informed to be like Jesus
and so I did my very best
to imagine myself to think and feel,
act and believe, as Jesus might have done
at least on Sabbath rest

And so it was
I gave birth to imagining
God as ManBoy
just like me,
except He loves me just as I am,

If I were Jesus
as We are meant to be,
then ReGenerative God is love 
without weekday mediocrity

So why then suffering and painful loss
even when We co-gravitate 
toward EarthTribe's sacred Boss?

With omnipotent live-power 
currently cooperating integrity,
We still struggle with Christ Dominant 
competing monotheistic 
EgoPrivileged protagonist Mythos

Western overpowering 
Eastern panentheistic Buddha
Tao's Zen-Balanced
Great Transitional 
ReGenerative EcoLogos
of CoArising TransParent Crown/Root chakra
Mind/Body Concave/Convex 
BiLaterally Intelligent Formation

Cosmic (0)Zone Intellempathy
for short integrity
of both MindGate and BodyPath

From Black Feminist Hole
through White Patriarchal Pole,
Beloved dialectical resilience
of resonantly healthy 
nonviolent communication.

Jesus invited me to say that,
because it would compel engagement
rather than darkly molesting entertainment

And be way more peacefully therapeutic
than all this suffering dross
and painful cross
and traumatic loss
discovered in Western HisStory's monotheistic
and excommunicating
Capitalizing HeadBoss.