Divorce ...(To Rg)
My entire history is not as it should be
I am always now a proximal potential
Twisted into whirlwinds by latent agony
And you the cause of fate's differential
Of mass and fortune, of virtue
Slimed by malice that you spew
What type of thing are you? What foul it
Pretentious so of a human inheritance?
Evil is the leather of your cankering spirit
That performs pious penance for penitence
With the salt gallows of tears
That hang disbelief on slivers that spears.
You lie with artful ease and so manipulate
The prayers that man sees, and all this
So you can control love and so dominate
The praise measures each dole of bliss
You pretend to give. I walk no stagnant path
Embraced your sterile wrath, malignant.
You may manipulate history, not my being
Not anything that God has imaged into me
For freedom to live is the only right I, willing,
Surrenders not, it is my only property
Claimed by love of God, and deed in blood
That defies my destiny as merely mud.
I appropriate it as a privilege to exist, to be
Willing to bring extinction to all threats
And for it justify my hatred of your iniquity.
So let me apart without the feign regrets
Knowing you is suffering more than mortal
Keeping me is tragedy more than fatal.