Love Poem: Dizzy Meducation
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Dizzy Meducation

How do we consume,
whether on-line or off-line,
in a doing justice way
to lives we digest
and excrete?

How do we produce
in justice doing ways
for lives invested with cooperative intent
design and long-term planning
by our ancestral Elders?
Themselves descended
from sacred creations
written by DNA and RNA,
kissing sacred cousins--
so this ain't nothin' perverse,
more like Yang cooperatively with Yin
rather than competitively against,
with his sooo typical
LeftBrain deductive-dominant languaged ways.

How do we consume and produce
nations and families,
tribes and guilds,
organic farms and forests,
cooperative incorporations of sacred healthy wealth
with as much systemic co-intelligence
and foresight as a MotherTree?

Tree systems grow repeated and memorized
by intimately public DNA-gratitude
for graced RNA-root systemic educational systems
and long-term sacred HealthyWealth
polynomial (0)Zone permacultural revisions.

How might we slow down
DNA's fast-moving cunning
driven by fear and anger
about ultimate LoseDNA-LoseRNA bottom-feeder economic lines,
mendacious DNA AngerManagement dis-educational services
where integrity of WinWin RNA's original RightBrain
Sacred Elder gifts
remain across hearts as diastatic-static pumps,
and through breath of respiratory systems
and depth of digestive systems
Common PoliEconomic ReVision Schools
of swimmers through (0)Loss Waste,
herds of slow-graze social strollers,
flocks of bilateral-bicameral egobody-as-ecomind-flyers,
bodhisattva peace warriors,
and co-operative multicultural messiahs.

DNA polypaths
revisioning RNA polyphonic strands of harmonic octaves
as bilateral-fractal (0)Zen polynomials,
creolizing acclimations
rather than merely growing rounds of short-term applause
for LeftBrain divinely-inspired lecturers.

Going first and culturally foremost to WinLose evolutionary assumptions
of MightMakesRight economic competition
defining (0)Sum behavioral norms
and values
and disvalues for weaker-minded
Sacred ElderRightBrain Wisdom Stories
and Gaian Hypotheses
of WinWin (0)-Zone-Soul-Sum-Core-Commons-Times ReVolutionary Balanced

Eden-Paradise ReForesting ReGenerations
of DNA back through RNA Strings of His/HerStory
through 4D SpaceTime = RealTime
CoOperative EcoPolitical ReVolution Tribes
for Climates and Landscapes of HealthyWealth.

So then,
there is also that
WinWin DNA with RNA, and not so much against,
perversely dominating our own Elder Original Intent
as sacred kissing cousins,
Creation through Sacred EcoLogos Stories,
Sacred/Secular Spirit/Nature Paradigms
starting with (0)Sum Thermodynamic Balanced
(0)Soul YangLeft equals YinYin-WinWin Right,
as PolyNomial-Convex +1 = PolyPathic notnot 0-Concave BiLateral
Yang LightSpace/Yin DualDark
(0)Sum BiLateral Time

More ego/eco centering; less dizzy
with bipolar oppositional dissonance,
chronic stress,
sleep deprivation,
overexposure to paranoid
extreme embodied-ego supremacy and/or denialism-nihilism-depression,
LoseLose and WinLose monoculturing monopolies
within our polycultural WinWin Sacred EarthTribe DNA/RNA potential
for integrity.

Free and fertile democracy for all,
including both our left and right wings,
and feet,
and eyes,
and ears,
and daily liturgical lives.

Less dizzy re-education
for individual persons
and more cooperative incorporations
of families and tribes,
species and guilds,
space as fractal/spiral time,
Yang with YinWin,
so less Yang for YinLose.

More EarthPatriotic Centered
for ClimateHealth together.

How do we consume and produce balance,
whether on-line or RealTime,
in a doing WinWin justice way
with lives we digest
and re-invest
for healthy future regenerations?