Do a Deed of Kindness
Who expects to do a deed of kindness...
doesn't it happen unexpectedly?
Late this afternoon strolling down wide streets
with blooming oaks that smelled heavenly,
I helped a blind woman cross an intersection where kids
race on motorbikes with earphones plugged in their ears.
Teens blasting music laughed hysterically at her who's of advanced age,
and screaming they insulted her " Stay home, old fart...don't walk.
by yourself, many crazy boys will run you over and not look'! "
" Shout your foolish mouths! " I fetched words of rage.
" Has any of you done a deed of kindness today? Even the smallest one can make
you proud to have a golden heart! " Listen to this guy! Nice people suck! "
The tallest and scruffiest one said giving me the finger. " Wait until I am finished,
then you wish you had never made that sick remark! "
My voice raised and thundered rising eyebrows in the busy park,
" Do a deed of kindness today, help others in need and be blessed! "
Lots of folks cheered and approached me while the punks ran off,
" They are trouble makers and they think they are so tough! "
Copyright ( c ) 2015 by Andrew Crisci