Do My Children Know?
Do my children know how much I love them?
No, of course they don't.
They weren't allowed to know.
Do they know how intense the pain is,
to go forward,
while not being allowed
to be their mom, or their dad?
No, but they know the intensity of heartbrokeness,
while going forward,
without their parents,
whom they should have never been taken away from.
They know the depths of lack,
that they were never meant to know...
They know the fears and the terror
that a "supposedly good place"
will unmercifully and maliciously inflict.
They knew the courage, as babes,
that grown-ass folk
won't walk in.
They know that you can't trust
the government,
or the agencies,
or the people in those agencies,
that are suppose to protect them
and their family units.
How could they possibly know
the depths of my love for them?
When they are still
stuck there
surrounded by people
who destroyed
their family
and screwed with their beginnings?