Do Not Hate
What goes through your head
When racist things are said?
What is it that you’ve read?
It’s sad
Education bad
Racism has always been with us
People think it’s ok to cuss.
Do your research
What has always been around you
And In turn
You may become concerned.
Are you slightest bit curious?
This is serious!
Racism will never be right
It’s time to fight
Will things ever change?
Its not clear in sight
But maybe they might
When dumb people
See the light.
Racism has been around for years
To your eyes it will bring tears
People living in constant fear.
Maybe a day will come
When uneducated people
Become a little less dumb
And not act like scum.
But for now we exist
In an awful place
I rest my case
Don’t hate this race.