Do People In Church Really Want Me To Serve God
People in church,, talked to me about knowing God.
At first I didn’t know him…. I thought it was “odd.”
But then, I made a commitment to know and serve him.
It meant a lot to me, to let him know that I loved him.
The next few weeks I spent a lot of time in prayer.
I wanted to spread God’s good news everywhere!
I often told others, at church, about my burning passion.
But many laughed, and said; “you’re just old fashioned!”
But, wait a minute! Isn’t this what Christ wants us to do?
I read, “the harvest is ready.” “The laborers are few!”
I soon realized that many in church
don’t get too “excited.”
Remaining in their comfort zone,
has often, been decided!
Often, in my desire to serve God, I felt all alone.
I even wanted to tell others of Christ, from my home!
In the local stores, and business,
I wanted to do ministry.
After all, I knew that God had given me the ability!
I was often criticized by others
in church for doing “wrong.”
This type of serving God, many felt, just didn’t belong.
Many felt the “right” way was to give
others the Sunday sermon
From the outline, then perhaps others could be learnin’…
What a disappointment this often turns out to be!
People in church not concerned about others’ eternity!
No matter what others say. No matter what others do!
I am not ashamed to publicly say “Jesus… I love YOU!”
I’m simply seeking God’s approval. Not that of men!
So that others may know and find forgiveness of sin!
By Jim Pemberton