Do the Math
1 man
1 cross
1 time to save the lost
1 cross
3 nails
4-given of anything that ails
3 parts of a whole
7 things made it complete
6 words
Father Why Have You Forsaken Me
12 men
1 cheats
and brings his life to an end
11 men
1 decieves by denying him
1 man
2 hands
heart heavy and a body so still
2 men
4 hands
placed the cross on the hill
8 words over his dome
and spikes all in his hair
2 eyes lookin down
he knew his life wasnt fair
3 nails through his veins
blood showing itself
1 soldier laughed
if God and angels are real then tell them to help
1 tear
from 1 eye
his head looked up to 1 sky
with 1 blade
1 made
it possible to live and not die
2 men
on each side
1 good
humbles himself inside
1 bad
mocked with shame
at 1 mans soul
1 man on the cross
for 1 ultimate goal
1 head droped to
1 chest and gave up
1 life
to 1 day come back
and take 1 church as a wife