Love Poem: Do Wishes Come True?
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Written by: Susan Jimenez

Do Wishes Come True?

If I had one wish, I'd wish for time.  
            If I could change one thing, I'd change my mind.

  If I could move time back, I'd make things better. 
        By a slight change of mind, I would have avoided the bad weather.

 If I could make time stop, I would make this last !
             Because our time together ends way too fast !

If I could move time forward I would take you with me;
  and we would lay together on a blanket by the sea.

   But I have no majic lamp , so I don't control time.
        and I'm in love with you, I can't change my mind.

Instead I go on in life and try to ignore my heart.
  Because I can't change the facts , I can't go back to the start.
          There are things in my past that I can't erase.
  I've lost things in my life that I can't replace.

Theres situations in my present that I can't make easy......
 but sometimes I think its more complicated than need be.

    So I look towards the future, and hope for a bright day.
When I will be peaceful and happy , and stay that way.

And if your there then I will know that wishes come true! 
  But no matter how it turns out, remember I love you.