Do You
Do You!
Do you know what you have or do you take it all for granted?
Do you slowly walk hand in hand along the beach as the sun goes down whispering things of love? Having watched the sunset, sitting in the sand leaning against each other never worrying about time you slowly head back to your room.
Do you know what you have; spending time bonding and loving with every breath you have! Do you know or do you take for granted what you think will always be there. Do you spend your time showing how you feel or do you spend your time someplace else? Do you rush when you’re together so it’s not fun but rather a punishment!
Do you know how the other feels or do you expect the feeling to be whatever. Do you look for ways to spend your time not caring what you have or knowing what you have or do you take it for granted? Do you know how to spend time together; better yet do you want to spend time together.
From the beginning did you know what you wanted, maybe a princess to have and to hold. Did you know what a prince would do once he had his princess in his arms! Did you know how romantic life would be, could be? Connected mentally one can never get enough of their love. Craving from the heart and mind brings the body pleasure. Each is wrapped up together bringing mental and physical love as one.
Do you know what has been or have you taken for granted what was from the start? Did you settle for what you have or do you know what you have!
Debbie Knapp