Do You Appreciate What God Has Given
Do You Appreciate What God Has Given?
Think about the days you’ve been livin.’
Do you appreciate what God has given?
He’s give to us all a beautiful earth!
And provided the opportunity for your birth!
He sent his only son who bled and died!
His life for yours, the day he was crucified!
He has even given to you, his Holy Spirit!
An everlasting life with him, he freely gives it!
He’s given to you, his word, so you can read it!
Whether you want to or not. You need it!
What more could one ask of a God who’s kind?
His faithfulness has stood the test of time!
Won’t you accept the fact, that he loves you?
He offers eternal salvation, because he wants to!
Won’t you come to him with an appreciation?
And receive his mercy, love and redemption?
You’ll be thankful and grateful to know…
That day you allowed God to make you whole!
By Jim Pemberton