Do You Feel Like Ending Everything
Perhaps you feel like your
life is “spiraling down”
It’s as if everything’s come
“crashing to the ground”
Is your lie filled with
A lot of apprehension?
Just living day by bay
with a lot of tension?
Maybe you’re at a “low point”
and very “distraught.”
In life’s circumstances…
you feel trapped and caught.
If you feel confused…
Like you’re in a “trance…”
God’s word says to TRUST HIM,
in every circumstance!
God’s here to pick you up,\
when you stumble!
He’s always do it,
And never grumble!
If life’s dealt you a bad hand,
don’t try name it!
Jesus loves you so much!
It’s hard to explain it!
All of heaven invites you to
Invite Jesus as your lord!
An eternal life with him,
can be your great reward!
By Jim Pemberton