Do You Feel Lonely and Blue?
Do you feel lonely and blue? Do you feel that nobody loves you and cares or
thinks of you. Is you mind with emptiness and sadness? Are you filled with
troubles that you can't understand? When you are with these thoughts is it with
much despair or do you wish you could turn back the time and wished you could
of done something different as the time is passing? Are you true to your feelings
and say what is on your mind. Or do you keep it all bottled up inside what is
stopping you is it pride. Do you tell someone what you are feeling and be true to
yourself and take that chance to tell someone you are hurting inside. Do you feel
the pain will go away you need to bow down your head and pray and take that
chanced today. Don't wait too late cry if you will listen to that small voice but to
listen you must be still .You may be surprised at how it will turn out. You may
help someone else who is hurting too. Take that chance and Find someone you
can count on before it is too late. They will tell you if you must let go of the pain to
scream and shout with all your might and tell you that you need to do what is
right. You have more too gain then more to lose it is you life you can do as you
chose. They may need you too so don't wait to long to say what your thinking
because they may be sad and blue too. You don't have to feel you are alone with
these thoughts there are a lot of men and women who from time to time feel the
same and have had sadness and shame and despair and felt their life is
crumbling too. You are not alone don’t feel you are in their way so don't hold back
for they may feel the same way and tell you to stay and not go away. You may try
and get outside of yourself and you may be surprised of what they will say then
you can forget about your own troubles that have been going your way .So when
they share their feeling with you then you can ask this question that has been
haunting you. Do you feel lonely and blue.