Do You Have a Phobia of God
I’ve heard of phobias of different kinds.
I’m sure there’s many people
with “confused” minds.
But there’s one “phobia” that
concerns me the most.
It’s a “God phobia” that’s drawing so close.
It’s like people have a phobia of
“In God we trust.”
While so many of their lives
are burdened with lust.
A lust for pleasure and whatever
“pleases for the moment.”
Many are looking for
various kinds of “fulfillment.”
But fearing and obeying God?
This sounds absurd!
Why should anyone care?
Much less… Read his word?
Even prayer seems to be “a thing of the past.”
How much longer will this country last?
What we should fear… Is the wrath
of God that will come…
For not believing and accepting Jesus…
His son!
Everything we’ll ever need.
Has already been provided!
An abundant life with Christ
can now be decided!
Won’t you accept his gift of life everlasting?
And look beyond human reasoning
and understanding?
Put your faith in God. And HIM alone!
So you too, can have a place
in his eternal home!
By Jim Pemberton 09/26/11