Do You Have Movies and Magazines That Don'T Belong In Your Home
I visited a garage sale. And had a
surprised look on my face.
I noticed that some things
were "out of place."
To my right... Was a shelf filled with books..
And Christian ones too.
To my left... Was a sign that read;
"I have adult movies for you."
I wondered and thought with
some kind of amazement.
"Does this person read these books.
And watch this "entertainment?"
This is common in many Christian homes...
Often... People cross God's
"boundaries" and "safety zones."
Anyone can go to church.
Pray, sing and "shed a tear."
Not realizing that sin's temptation
is drawing ever so near.
Do you seek God's holiness and the
power of Jesus' name?
But each night... Before bedtime...
Things aren't quite the same...
Have you opened up your heart
and mind... And live life unfulfilled?
Is this the way you ought to live?
Is this what God has willed?
He desires to live inside of you.
And help you to discover.
With any stronghold in life. He'll help you to recover!
Are things in life "out of place?"
And need to be put back together?
Allow God's word to guide you!
His promises are forever!
Everything will be where it should be...
With Jesus In control!
Only he can defeat the enemy that
seeks to destroy your soul!
By Jim Pemberton