Love Poem: Do You Hear Me Calling
Darrell Rose Avatar
Written by: Darrell Rose

Do You Hear Me Calling

“Don’t you hear me callin………..
From the other side of the Rainbow… 
From behind the crystal sky above…..
a sky we once called our own.

Seem’s I find myself hanging on….
to nothing but old memories….
Searching for the answer…… 
to where I now belong…..
wondering how I can go on….
Drowning within my own dark thoughts……
That maybe,, just maybe doesn’t matter.

I remember how I heard it in your eyes…..
the first time they reached across the room….  
And without a blink…
whispered seeds of hope into my soul…. 
The question is…… 
do your ears hear now……
what it is I’m trying so hard to say….
How can I ever tell you …..
That I should have never let you go….
as I find myself praying…… 
you’ll come home to me one day. 

I think sometimes… 
I’d like to know….  
the answers to this life’s riddles…… 
though I’m not so sure…. 
I could stand to know the truth.
Sometimes we can’t find the words….
to say goodbye the way we should….
Sometimes all we know to do…. 
is quietly walk away.”