Love Poem: Do you know
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Written by: John Puckett

Do you know

Do you know the love of Jesus
And the comfort of his care
And the sweetness of his presence
Just to know that he is there?

Troubles try and sadness sickens
Worries multiply and vex
But remember Jesus promised
I will never you forsake.

Mountains great may be still greater
Problems ever complicate
But be sure if you love Jesus
You are never left to fate.

When he died for helpless sinners
All sin’s consequences bore
He became our perfect refuge
Peace and rest for evermore.

Pain-free life he never promised
Never said you’d live at ease
But his love and care make troubles
Stepping-stones to find his peace.

Why not trust this loving Jesus
Give yourself to his true care
All your worries give him fully
All your troubles let him bear?

He is able, he is able,
He is mighty, he is true,
He is loving, kind and gentle
He has given himself for you.