Do You Know Him?
The ones I love the most,
They’re slowly leaving this earth,
Letting go, like the wind…
Flying to Jesus, where they’ll forever be…
Free, because in their hearts – they believed.
The ones I love the most,
They’re gently flowing away,
On the light, softly glowing – I pray
They will know that, even what I don’t say…
Declares the love that I’ve always felt for them.
The ones I love the most,
They’re like light to my dark,
Trembling grace over my spirit, stardust
Words, sprinkled on my mind, my heart,…
Reassuring, inspiring my most beautiful feelings.
The ones I love the most,
They’re going away, one by one,
To a place where I’m not yet able to come,
Visiting the loves who make my life promising…
The ones who make my life a joy to live – a joy to live.
The ones I love the most,
They’re quietly and calmly departing,
Reaching beyond the mortal thoughts, the everyday,
Into a heaven where God is giving them such peace…
Peace that surpasses all my understanding, forever still.
The ones I love the most,
They’re like water to my soul,
Keeping me from the burning thirst,
Thirst that comes from doubts and despair,
Thirst that is diminished by their kindness and care.
The one I love the most,
They’re a part of the grace that grows,
Inside when I allow my heart to know the hope,
Hope that comes from listening to their compassion,
Hope that knows when they go, they take a piece of my heart.
The ones I love the most,
They’re the reason I can honestly say,
When forever meets the moment and I pray,
There is assurance that, even though they must go home…
I can be sure, because I know the One that is love – one of these days…
The ones I love the most,
They’re going to meet me in the sky,
Flying high, flying so I will understand just why,
They had to go beyond the clouds, to that home where He is…
The Creator, the Wonder, the Reason… one of these days …
I’ll meet them and greet them with the joy that comes to life,
Inside the souls who know Him as Savior, the ones who know
He will make a way for each heart to reunite with the ones they love,
Family, friends – all the people who were loved most of all,
All the love that He inspired inside our souls – because He knows…
It is love this sure and strong
Love this wonderful makes it inevitable…
Wherever we go, to the ends of the earth,
There is the promise of a new life, a new song…
The promise of life beyond this world, life eternal –
With the One who makes everything right,
The One who died so every soul could rise…
Living beyond this world and all its sorrow,
Living in the heavens where we’ll be alive –
Eternally together – with the ones we love the most…
Together with the Savior of souls who love Him,
Souls who know Him – Souls who clearly know Him!