Love Poem: Do You Know Me
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Written by: Dana Redricks

Do You Know Me

Author Dana Redricks 
November 23, 2024

Do you really know me? Let me ask the question. Do you know the tears I've shed and the love that I've wished I've had and words swirling inside my head.

Do you know how empty I feel inside, and I want to close myself off and hide. Do know the struggles I've had and how I fight to hold on when everything seems to go wrong.

Do you know the feeling of rejection and depression seems to consume my soul. The only thing that keeps me going is the love of God Yahweh, who always seems to light the way even on those cloudy days when shadows seem to hover up above.

Do you know the pain I feel that a pill could never heal? Everyone seems to have the solution, but they can never come up with a resolution. 

Do they know I'm broken inside and need someone to love, and to walk by my side. What's wrong with me, I often ask myself wishing that someone would stand up on my behalf.

Do they know the fears I hide while wearing a frown upside down? Does anyone really completely know anyone there's so much we seem to hide.