Do You Remember
Do you remember?
The nights that were ours
And the morning sun
On our faces.
Do you remember?
When you held me close,
The words you whispered
So no one else could hear.
Somehow I can't
Seem to forget, doesn't
Matter how hard I try,
The ghost of memories still haunts.
You used to love me,
Would look straight in my eyes
And tell me so but now
You won't even speak.
Everything reminds
Me of you and the time we once
Shared long ago yet not
Long at all.
I remember the way
Your smile lit up when you saw
Me walk towards you, the
Happiness I thought you felt too.
When we were intertwined
And no one else mattered,
It was just us and we felt like
We could lie there forever.
Do you remember?
The way it felt on our first
Date, the light kisses we
Shared in the bright sunlight.
Do you remember?
Because I do, all the time,
But I guess that's life, no matter
How we may wish it were different...