Do You Think of Me
Do you think of me when the night breeze touches your heart and the air welcomes your lungs to breathe
Do you breathe me in with every breath
That mixes chaos and serenity into your loins
Do you think of me as the moon demandingly says hello
And the cars brush off in the distance
While the crickets sing the lullaby of the night
Am i warmth and love as you see me through those gleaming shade of grey
Or is it fire and desire that creeps under your skin
Would you hold me close just to feel my heart beat into your soul
Or because it fuels your ache for more?
I wish i could feel myself through your eyes
And drown into the stagnant depth of your mind
Because these eyes are not weary, they do not speak and these hands are so very sturdy and sure
How can i ever know what you seek
What is it that you see
And can i ever penetrate this enigmatic heart
Will it ever let me pound its walls to set it free
I do not feel myself through you
And yet i feel it all inside of me
Cautious but reckless
And we both know recklessness leads into fear
You’d have it all right when it starts to slip in between your fingertips
So tell me with these eyes of grey
These lips that do not speak but devour you
These hands that hold you but for long
And for how much?
And with this heart thats always incognito
Tell me
Do i feel it all
Or do i stop the silent right before the storm.