Does Anyone Understand Or Care About Me
Does Anybody Understand?
Dear Lord, many in church
don’t know or comprehend…
The many trials and struggles
I’ve had within!
They all claim to be “Christians.”
This is what they say.
But none of them will
“give me the time of day!”
Rather than offering a hand
of friendship like they could…
Any desire ”to get together”
are clearly misunderstood!
They didn’t return the messages
when I gave them a call.
Is being a part of this “family”
really worth it all???
It’s like they’re ready to “pounce on me” for the kill…
It’s pretty obviously they’re not doing God’s will!
Lord Jesus, I suppose I’m now beginning to see…
Many who claim to follow you are not
what they pretend to be!
When someone in our family sins.
Please watch out!
Loving them is what God’s
FAMILY really is about!
A “Christian” family is more
than just words alone!
It’s being Christ’ example...
Both in and our of our home!
By Jim Pemberton