Does She Know?
Does she know?
I seen her yesterday ,her beauty was breath taking .our eyes met. The room became
electrifying, magnified, and unable to look away.
The way she brushes her hair away from her eyes makes me sigh. I look away
Trying to hide the fact I desire her. Does she know? Does she know her smile sends?
Chills right down my spin, right to my toes. Does she know that the warmth she gives off
toward me makes the ice fall away from my heart?
Does she know the twinkle in her eyes makes me want her for myself?
Her eyes shine like diamonds , her skin is soft as silk, and her lips are rosary as the
pedals of the finest flower before it blooms.
Her hair carries like the feather on a soft wind. .oh how I crave her.
Oh how I wish to take her in my arms and never let her go,
How the simple touch from her can fill the void in my very soul..
Does she know?
The lust I feel, burns like a hot flame…right to the core of my being.
Oh how I love to caress her, hold her in my defined muscular arms…
Oh but she is a goddess and I a lowly servant, my only wish is to serve her.
To want her is to crave her,
To crave her is to lust for her.
To lust for her is to need her.
But I sit here and pine.
For her beauty is as the rays of the sun.
To gaze at her too long would cause me to loose my sight.
Could she ever be mine?
Does she know?
She enters my dreams, what would she think if she knew my dreams?
Does she know?
Does she know I see her as no man could?
Does she know as I write down these words in the cold, she makes the room appear warm?
Oh but what if she is nothing more then a dream?
Can true love ever be? Does love at first sight really happen?
Has fate finally smiled at me? Or is it another cruel joke being played on me?
Does she know ?will she know? Will my stares and looks betray me?
Will she see the good and not just the grief the mask I hide behind?
Does she know? Does she know I think of her?
Does she know I dream of the day I can hold her tight and make her mine?
To feel that 1 sensual kiss good night? To hear her say the words I love you as she
turns off the lights?
Does she know?
Can she ever know?
In time all will know if she really was mine.
Or am I only a fool?