Dog Day Endure
Hark! Wispy ghost of Indian summer is in sight,
Fresh on our amorous teenage heels, slow dog day night,
Hot Iowa corn on a cob, fresh with sweet oozing butter.
Makes autumn’s imminent encroachment seem all right.
Listen! Horizon Beach is quiet, most summer people gone.
They have raced back to civilization to put their city on.
Fishy smells, unappreciated until May of next year,
Gritty sandcastles destroyed, children’s laughter, a summer con.
Sh! Just stay here, my love, and give me a well-deserved smile,
Pretend summer passions will last me for a good long while.
Sweetest lips, eyes of brown, your gaze coaxes my soul-heart.
I will savor you and this moment in my life’s memory file.
Varoom. Your Harley motorcycle revs up, arrogant and proud.
Warm air cools, rapidly, swooped up by a semi-angry cloud.
Fleeting summer dog days cannot be held, fading hard and fast.
Final desperate summer goodbye, unfathomed, but truly allowed.
Written 10-08-2018 Contest: Dog Days Endure Contest
Sponsor: Gregory R. Barden