Love Poem: Dogs Are The Best
LR Waldman Avatar
Written by: LR Waldman

Dogs Are The Best

Dogs Are The Best

Dogs were the first of the animals to tame.
And over millennia, they have retained their fame.

No matter where my dogs might be,
I know they’re always protecting me.
And they would, their lives, gladly give,
Without a thought so I would live.

I love them so much.  How much, you say?
We’re never apart for even one day.

And when we touch, we all get a surge,
Of oxytocin that will purge,
Any bad feelings that we may feel,
And make us all feel so ideal.

So when you see a dog you don’t know,
Be kind to it and try to show,
That you understand,
And let the dog sniff your hand.
You might just make a new friend,
And see a wagging tail end.