Love Poem: Doing What's Right - the Free Flow Style

Doing What's Right - the Free Flow Style

~Doing What's Right~ 
( Free Flow Style ) 

Many seek "stardom" by destroying their self, 
To get into the so-called media-spot light, 
But Daniel achieved this in a better way, 
When he and his friends did what was right 

When captived by a ruthless invading nation, 
It was unlikely they'd be heard from again, 
But these godly men distinguished themselves 
As very intelligent and truth worthy to begin 

And when the King had a dream that his Wise 
Men couldn't repeat nor interpret to Him, 
He condemn them right there to death, 
But after a night of prayer Daniel got a gift from Him

The gift of interpreting the King's dream, 
As God made Daniel part of his royal team. 

Dorian Petersen Potter 
aka ladydp2000 
