Doll Dreams
Faltering steps in silvery shoes
Through pools of moonlight on the floor,
Eyes agleam with blue china hues,
As midnight chimes and night birds soar.
Hands caress the vibrant silk,
Static charges tickle palms;
Lips of cherry, skin like milk,
A doll who dreams, a charm that charms.
Adrift, the fantasy that flows
And spins the flywheel in her head,
For instants she tries on the clothes
And dreams the lives she might have led.
A ballerina, graceful, slight,
Pirouetting at the bar,
A sultry temptress of the night,
A nurse, a witch, a movie star.
A maiden fair in ancient times,
A princess in a golden tower,
The queen of hearts in nursery rhymes,
A bride before her bridal shower.
Cleopatra of the Nile,
My fair lady at the races,
A model with a radiant smile,
Mona Lisa's face of faces.
She dreams her dreams and prays her prayers
Until the dawn light starts to creep,
Before the day, ascends the stairs
And dreams her dreams once more in sleep.