Dominating Capitals
Competitive capitalism
is about dominance,
which increases separation,
space between Winner haves,
and Loser have-nots
Degenerating into polarized views
more culturally dominant
than old-school cooperative middle
socio-economic median disappearances
Away from civically active democratic imagination,
functionally experiential frames
favoring cooperative democracy
over capital plutocracy.
Democracy is about win/win bicameral consensus
which grows integrity
between co-investing Haves
and HaveNots,
depolarizes our EitherHave/OrNotHave
eco-politically valued lives
Mediating in-between re-membering,
reweaving multigenerational cooperative
matriarchal empowering history
of mutually enlightening democratic health care
Through cooperative ownership
home and meal management
integrity of co-responsive thought and feelings,
polycultural communication
and multicultural energy systems
Refracting integral re-MEMEory
left-hemisphere empowering
right-hemisphere energetic win/win
neurological waves of win/lose healing
win/win co-investing light.