Don'T Beatitudes
Don't speak of God's redemptive healing
while practicing competitions in marketing fear,
and self-righteous anger,
and xenophobic hate.
Don't expect voices for democratic integrity
from bodies raised for overpowering secular mendacity.
Don't listen for wealthy cooperation indoors
where speakers shout in supremacy against healthy outdoor profits
and prophets.
Don't anticipate ecological health
where no theological wealth
has gone before
to prepare love's multicultural way.
Don't expect us to invite your messages
without prior investment in cooperatively mediating channels.
Don't hope for ecstatic transport
without enchanting everyday polypathic communion
right where and when and why you HereNow already are.
Don't invest faith in secular wonders
without first finding a sanctuary
caring for internal sacred awe.
Don't hope for celebrating outdoor public voices
without divesting of competing inside private tyrants.
Don't speak of love
while practicing hate
with tools of fear.
Don't curse or even talk
where you have not yet sacred walked.