Love Poem: Don'T Beg Me To Stay

Don'T Beg Me To Stay

DON'T BEG ME TO STAY                                                 Tribute to John Donne

My dearest heart, I do not go
Because I’m tired of you
Or think that other worlds will show
A heart more kind or true
Pretend I’ve died, just tell your heart
I’m dead forever gone
And with a kiss you let me go--for now I'm moving on.

Yesterday the sun was here
And now it’s back again
But feels no passion or no fear
And has no sense of pain
Please don’t grab on to me so tight
Release me on my way
Don’t get it in your mind to fight
Don’t let my future sway

For when you sigh, and look at me
With eyes full of despair
My eager plans are shred in two
My goddam life’s not fair
You say you love me, it’s a lie
For if such thing was true
You would not calmly watch me die
I hate my job—you knew 

Please in the deep seed of your soul
Know , sweet one,  I love you
Your hatred would be death to me
And make your curse come true
When the door has finally closed
And I’ve gone down the stairs
When you’re quiet and composed
Chase away your fears.

You see,  I know life’s truest bond
Will navigate the sea
In dreams such passion as we’ve found
Will still thrill me and thee.
If destiny has blundered fair
Our path will surely meet
And when you see my red flash hair
You’ll swoop me off my feet.