Don'T Come Santa
I don't want chocolates
I don't want gifts
This Christmas Santa
Please don't come.
I saw few uncles
With face covered
Killing all uncles
Killing all aunties
They left nothing
Killed my friend too
I don't like them
They look weird
They will harm you
They are dirty
This Christmas Santa
Please don't come.
My school went off
I live inside
I feel alone
I feel bored
I can't watch Doraemon
Just see those maskman
You're not superman
Please be safe
This Christmas Santa
Please don't come.
My dad looks sad
Mom looks gloomy
They stay with me
Still are unhappy
Don't know who?
Don't know how?
All this will end
I'll buy goodies
From my piggy bag
You don't come
They will rob you
This Christmas Santa
Please don't come.
Please bless Santa
My god, My lord
Santa is innocent
Those uncles are cruel
I will do my homework
I will go bed early
Listen to mom
And owe you dearly
Just stop the Santa
Puncture his tires
I'll take care later
When I'll grow older
This Christmas Santa
Please don't come.