Don'T Ever Forget Them
Remember when you were down,
now, remember who was always around.
They are the ones that picked you up,
and provided the things you needed so much.
Down is not a very fulfilling place,
and at times, the difference in your survival,
that special one, did make.
Take a long look back to then,
will you ever be there again?
If you get back up, and things seem right,
remember who came to your rescue in your
darkest night.
If you can repay, in any way at all,
be that foundation, don't forget your fall.
Misfortune strikes, it comes like a thief,
some don't care, and some have never been in need.
A rich man today, a poor man tomorrow,
do you have that someone, from which you can borrow?
Open your eyes, and feel with your heart,
they were the ones, that put the light in your dark.
Thank them, repay them, don't ever forget them,
life has a way of taking you back there again.