Don't Forget
When the mourners turn away from the grave
Don't want them to be sad of what I could have been
When I make it to the Gates of heaven
Don't turn your head in shame from me God
I only lived selfishly till I knew You
When the wind has torn the leaves from my grave
Don't forget to think of me
When the Spring brings buds back to the trees
And when the Sun is warming your brow
Remember my clear blue eyes and a smile
Being human isn't easy as we're told
Bills still need paying
Food still needs to be gathered and bought
Dark still need the light
And love is the only guarantee
Can you hear me when the birds sing
Or when the crickets call on a summers eve
Can you see me in the morning when you wake
Can you taste me when you have a cool drink
Do you feel me when I hold you in the night
Love never dies
We take it with us when we go
It's just harder to remember