Don'T Know What Lies Ahead - the Monchielle Style
~Don't Know What Lies Ahead~
Don't know what lies ahead
What will happen tomorrow
So each day just enjoy
Thank God for all you have
And shout His name with joy
Don't know what lies ahead
Live each day like it's last
Pray for loved ones each day
Show appreciation
Seek God in all you do
Don't know what lies ahead
But with God, don't worry much
God knows it all, sees heart
He forgives, gives salvation
And loves us all from start
Don't know what lies ahead
But God does, that's all care
He tells us how to cope
Trust Him, He knows better
He's my Light, gives me hope
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
~Author's Notes:
The Monchielle, is a poetry style that was created by Jim T. Henriksen.