Don'T Nobody Do Ya, Like Family
I am the stepfather
in a family of grown children.
Where they like to remove
the word (step) from my title.
But neither do they call me
Dad, Daddy or father.
I am called by my nickname.
I don’t get the pleasure
of being called grandpa
as often as I would like
by the new toddlers.
My new daughters
D. D. as in darling daughter.
Painfully beautiful,
Dark & lovely,
and Babyphat.
Are four of the loveliest
Women on God’s green earth.
I married their Mother.
The beautiful and logical
Love of my life.
My five feet of paradise.
She is a great cook,
She calls her mother F.J.
Flossy Jay is forever
my favorite mother-in-law.
Tabitha’s lovely sister is a very
Powerful pure black woman.
Who go’s by the name Babysis.
She one day will make
a lucky man very happy.
as a 50+ year old woman
Who has not known a man.
They say opposites attract
and we come together
on things we have in common.
D.D. my wife’s first born
is not speaking to her.
And I have a son
the baby of my brewed
who is not speaking to me.
My wife and I are okay with it
Because don’t nobody do ya
Like family.