Dont Say This Wont Last Forever
Please don't say this wont last forever, it breaks my heart just thinking about it. Your
the only sky i can look into. I only wish and pray that you could love me as much as i
love you. The wires between our relationship hold us together, i feel one lacks emotion. I'm in this deep black hole full of hurt and emotions wondering if ill ever be able to climb
back up. My skys are full of grey shadows and hurt of the past. rampage is my last
resort. One day I want to marry you. Trust is broken, I try to hold onto the future but
this dark cloud follows me with every step i take. I love you more then words can
explain . Im not going to blame this on my deprression, I dont know who or what I
blame. I believe its my fault for not being good enough. tears run down my face it hurts
like acid going through my veins. somedays I wish I could fall into a deep sleep and
make all the pain go away, but I know that wont happen . I shake with fear of losing
you . All I can say is I'm sorry.