Love Poem: Don'T Shut Me Out
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Don'T Shut Me Out

Please don't be mean to me
Don't shut me out.

Please be kind to me
Don't blame me
for all this pain about

Please give me a chance
to dance
to different drums
in dialects disparate
as wildly scattered crumbs,
not quite grown.

Bless me with a hug
and not a sharpened shout.

Look me in the eye
and tell me
I am worth your time
in sacred space,
divinely gorgeous grace
here free of fear
through this night's 
angry doubt-filled place.

Please embrace this dignity
don't be mean to me,
Take love's fearsome risk
in vast integrity;

Please, please don't shut me out...
Invite me in.