Love Poem: Don'T Speak
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Written by: Jay J. Jurado

Don'T Speak

Read it all and decide if you want to 'friend' me
You know me, and you know what you told me and said
You can't take back it all, I'm not that simple me
Not one that you can 'friend' again, in that life now dead

So think hard again, Pechenya, before you try it again
Think what you said, think what you did

Think what I said, Think what I did
For those can't be taken back, can't be rid

You were my first real love, my first mortal sin
And I can't be 'friend' with you, perfect wren

So think hard now, before you try again
I'm not that American Boy, so simple, forgotten

Love is in the past, ours cannot be made friendship
Do you remember those moments I do, forever, upended?

Now you are changed, I don't know, maybe
But I am the same, and cannot only your friend be

Not when you are this new person I do not know
And I am the same man you said 'I love you' to

so don't try again, if you are not the same lovely girl
That I once knew, whispered 'Te amo' to after we bowled...

Now I'm a writer, and this is what I do, daily
Because of your urging, take that as your effect, my failing

Can't say you're gone forever, a lie that would be
I still remember Destin, , GPC, Washington D.C.

I don't imagine I'm still with you, I know you're free
But so am I, if you'd just let me be, my lover, just.. me.