Door Jam
LOVE has a rhythm
That beats the heart with dance
The skin yields to flow
As the feet leap into chance
Feelings are fleeting
The mind can't be trusted
Useless connections pull
Wanting to be dusted
Windows threaten to open
Doors swing wide
As a tantalizing voice
Tries to pull you inside
....but LOVE
Lord O' Mercy, such a mess
Tangled and gnarled mesh
Human touch tightens
As it endeavors to enlighten
...a way out
Tie a ribbon around the eyes
Put plugs in your ears
Never again, startle
At the various sounds you THINK you hear
Place gloves on your hands
Put soda on the tongue
Dull the passions
That ignited when you were young
Draw self into the moment
Yield your heart to LOVE
Spirit, alone, will lead
Without pull, longings, pushes, or shoves
...into melody
Bound, gagged, limp, and deaf
You will move with purpose and ease
Who rules the Kingdom of LOVE
But the one who has been given the keys
Enter into peace, little ones
Dance to the beat of your own drum
Knowing that every wonky step, is yours
HIS STORY is already done
....and LOVE has won!
Written by Trudy Schrader on 10/20/2019