Dorothy's Pancakes
My wife, I remember makes the very best, or she did.
I have to get that through my head.
She is back at the hospital, laying there, not moving.
How did that happen,
I don’t know.
We were at breakfast talking, just talking.
No. She was talking, I never did. I listened.
I wish that I could hear her talk now.
I wish that she would nag at me.
Tell me to do something, anything…
That I do not want to do,
Just so that I can say…
I have done it,
for you.
For you my wife, of many years, numbers illusive with time.
Passing us by faster than we know, that they go.
The ones we love.
They leave us here.
They go where we can not follow.
To their God. To their place.
They depart.
A place called heaven… sounds far…
I want to go.
I want to be with her.
She said He loves everyone,
even me.
She was beautiful, I miss her.
She was everything, God give her back.
Please, … hear me.