Dots Dashes and Death
Dash dot dot (D)
my heart pours out into a puddle of sludge
its been overused
overly abused
everything gone
dot (E)
the last thing I remember is you all
shooting your words like bullets
I took the pills one by one
for your satisfaction. to numb the pain.
Dot dash (A)
Crazy how when my lifes on line
your my friend
when you said it was all for pity
I was blinded by love
dash (T)
I ran
far out of my parents reach
they called me
the police called
Dot dot dot dot (H)
I was found
taken to hospital
pumped with medication
all because of you
dash dot dot (D)
Dot (E)
Dot dash (A)
Dash (T)
dot dot dot dot (H)
The thing I almost faced that night