Love Poem: Double Blessing

Double Blessing

We were taught as children,
to know this about God — 
God is Love!
God is Everything,
below and above
His Holy Spirit abounds in love,
and the Almighty
put this abundant spirit
in His Only Begotten Son Jesus
Sun of the double blessing
shines in our heart
Twin lights of the double blessing
removes any night
Jesus Christ gives us love and more love — 
our first birth and latter birth
is a beautiful double blessing
This life and the born again life
is a double blessing
This life and the next eternal life,
after the Holy Resurrection,
is a double blessing
The Son gives us love and more love — 
an infinite double blessing
shining from the heavens above
The Father’s love is a blessing ... 
the Son’s love is a blessing
There adjoining love is a double blessing
Abundant love is a blessing,
infinite love is a blessing
Their combined unending love is a double blessing
Alpha is a blessing ...
Omega is a blessing
The first and the last is a double blessing
Love and more love is a double blessing
More love and much more love 
is a double double blessing
Amen and amen!