Down By Streams and Harbour
A steam of sub-consciousness takes him to kissing a bouquet of rivers
Blessed by fortune and mindfulness Tim follows his passion for nature
Star struck the Horizon unfolds over a canopy of breathless adventure
Uncovers sunshine and rays as rain bows to shivering heaven below
As thunder and lightning explode and expose a meandering delta he
Needs no reminder that grapes lie undraped and sweet juice calls awaiting
In his mind he strokes moist wilderness amazed at the flooding of wetlands
Hovers over a small swelling hill set to the tunes of season’s exuberant joy
Charmed by a flute presiding over the peninsula just nether of Cape Town
The cloth settles in glorious fog like a blanket caressing valleys and peak
Exploring a new continent of dreams has never before been so exquisite
No direction nor map and no compass no South Wester where oceans meet
Tim needs no coat for protection no umbrella not a hat for his longing
Although Leonhard Cohen’s Famous Blue Raincoat springs to his mind
Dylan’s Hard Rain peals away for the moment sheltered by passion
Here as they lie in a beach hut of dreams spread under flakes of Karma
Chakras in full colour channels open and unbound energy and desire
Kim guides his wandering fingers and the hands of the time piece is still
When they reach that sweet oyster bequeathed by the triangle of shivers
And Chronos meets Kairos at the slope of cliff face flora and pleasure
They know not only pirates steam and stream from lighthouse to harbour
14th February 2019